Interior Design Tips for Bars and Restaurants

Interior Design Tips for Bars and Restaurants

(Guest blog by Emily Dodd - Community Coordinator - YeahPear)

Bars and restaurants must work harder than ever to attract new customers and retain old ones. Part of that will be how the space makes them feel. You could serve the best food or drinks in the world, but if the space is uninspiring, it’s not going to be an enjoyable experience.

Interior design can help all that, and hugely determines the success of your bar or restaurant.

As commercial designers, we find inspiration everywhere, and experience is at the heart of everything we do. We created this blog post to share some of that inspiration to help with your next project.

  1. Room with a view

    Stand on the pavement outside your premises and look inside. Does it look like somewhere you want to visit? If yes, are there improvements that could make it look even more inviting? If no, what needs to change?

    Start at the very beginning with every interior design project. Approach it from the customers’ perspective and see your premises how a customer would.

    Blend your concept with what typically makes someone enter a bar or restaurant. If you can include some of those things in your window, you’re off to a good start.

    Get the window right and you should begin attracting attention right away!

  2. Warm welcome

    Our next design tip is to ensure a warm welcome.

    That means warm lighting in the entrance, some form of heating for instant relief from the cold, and a friendly greeting by a staff member.

    Being greeted with a smile is great, but being surrounded by welcoming lighting and a nice place to stand or sit while you wait for your table says all the right things!

    A warm and welcoming entrance truly sets the tone for the entire bar.

  3. Statement Bar

    A statement bar can be a showstopper, or reinforce your other design cues to create the atmosphere you’re looking for. If you’re not having a bar, you can make a statement with the serving area instead.

    Think metal bar tops, strong colours, effective lighting and perhaps a mixture of materials to create interest and texture.

    If you’re looking for a rustic vibe, natural wood with plants and overhead lighting can help create a relaxed feel with minimal expense and effort.

    For a more stylish and unique bar counter, why not explore a bespoke brass bar top? They offer an ageless charm and can fit seamlessly into almost any design scheme. Not only are brass bar tops classy and eye-catching, but they’re super easy to clean too! This high-aesthetic but low-maintenance option means you can create that luxury interior feel, while easily maintaining a clean, cosy and inviting atmosphere. 

  4. Reclaimed seating and tables

    If your concept supports it, using reclaimed tables and chairs can create an instant atmosphere for a café or restaurant. It’s not only good for the environment, but someone else has done the hard work for you by wearing it all in! After all, comfortable seating is a must to keep your customers coming back for more.

    Sustainability is a huge focus for many businesses right now, and is only going to get more important. Implementing it into your design ticks that box, while also helping you create that lived-in feeling that adds comfort and relaxation for customers.

    It won’t work for every concept, but if it does, it’s a cheap and effective way to plan your seating.

  5. Let there be light

    Of all the interior design challenges we face, lighting is almost always the most challenging.

    Lighting needs to deliver the atmosphere you’re looking for, along with task lighting for staff and enough light to socialise for customers.

    Our go-to is the mix-and-match approach. A mixture of hanging, wall and, sometimes, table lighting can work amazingly well. There are hundreds of styles of sconces, pendants and task lighting to fit almost any concept.

    For unique and atmospheric lighting, you could also explore pendant lights, LED strips and ambient lighting around your bar. This is another clever design tip to make your venue feel inviting and inspiring.

    It also helps to have all your lighting on different rings, so you can use them all in winter and turn some off in summer. Dimmers are your friend in many situations, too! This gives you the control and flexibility to change the lighting setup and atmosphere of your restaurant.

  6. Use a focal point

    Every room benefits from a focal point. Whether it’s a statement bar with a brass top, a hearty fireplace, a light and airy orangery or something else, it’s a design staple.

    While feature walls still have their purpose in interior design, we think statement walls are even better. They can add interest, draw the eye and get the customer thinking. 

    How you approach a statement wall depends on your venue, but you could consider living walls, glass walls, bifold door walls, statement wallpaper, a gallery wall or something else entirely!

    Some unique accent wall ideas could also include incorporating materials like reclaimed wood, exposed brick or copper wall panels.

  7. Say it with colour

    Chances are, if you’re reading about interior design tips for bars and restaurants, you already have a few ideas of what you want the place to look like.

    Make sure colour has a big part to play!

    Colour is incredibly influential in how a space makes us feel, so choose yours carefully. Consider the atmosphere you want to create and your target market, and choose a palette accordingly.

    For example, relaxed earthy tones are easygoing and cater to most customers. Whereas warmer, richer tones are cosy and warm, and work for intimate spaces or for the evening.

    You get the idea.

  8. Art and interest

    Incorporating art and decor as finishing touches helps to enhance the overall aesthetic of your bar or restaurant. 

    Make sure it matches your brand or concept, or go the other way and make it as eclectic as possible. Think about whatever your target audience is likely to appreciate the most.

    Some design ideas include custom artwork, sculptures, or even some themed decor aligned with your bar’s overall concept. The possibilities are endless!

Designing bars and restaurants

Throughout this blog, we have discussed many different interior design ideas; from a warm welcome to a statement bar, atmospheric lighting to adding colour, there are so many ways to make your space unique and inviting.

A well-designed and thoughtfully decorated bar space will truly help you to create an unforgettable customer experience.

Remember to design for your customers, not for yourself. It’s your venture, your vision and your concept, but it’s not all about you. It’s about your customers.

That final sentence is probably the best piece of advice we could offer anyone planning to refurbish or open a new bar or restaurant.

Design the space with them in mind and they should respond in kind!


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